If you wish to revert the taskbar to its original state, you simply need to perform the same actions a second time. When you click the button on the left, a new registry entry is created that increases the transparency of the taskbar as soon as File Explorer is restarted, which you can do by clicking the button on the right. Once you have launched the application, you are presented with a minimalistic interface that shows you before and after examples of the taskbar’s transparency, along with two small buttons that allow you to make the modification. Make the taskbar more transparent in two easy steps It is very novice-friendly and completely safe to use. Windows 10 Taskbar Transparency is a small program that simplifies the whole process, allowing you to perform the modification with just a couple of mouse clicks. Naturally, a large number of users prefer not to use the Registry Editor for fear of messing something up. As many of you were probably unhappy to learn, it is not possible to change the transparency of the Taskbar in Windows 10 without editing the Registry.